Journal Articles by Lucinda Mosher
“The Episcopal Church and Religious Manyness: steps toward a theology” in Anglican Theological Review 96:1 (Winter 2014).
“Meeting the Familiar Yet Strange: Strategies for Introducing American Christians to Jesus and Mary as Muslims Know Them” in Teaching Theology & Religion, 16:4 (October 2013).
“Toward the Development of Virtuous Circles: the Building Bridges Seminar under Rowan Williams” in Salaam Journal, Delhi, India (April 2013).
Deliberately Into Difference: a theology for enabling interreligious
understanding” in Anglican Theological Review, 93:4 (November 2011).
“Vitriol and Virtue: Reflections on US Christian-Muslim relations during the summer of 2010” in Christian-Muslim Digest (November 2010).
Conversation: The Archbishop of Canterbury’s “Building Bridges” Seminars.
“Let ‘God’ Be ‘God’” (co-authored with Parvez Ahmed) in altmuslim (27 January 2010).
“Models and Methods of Continuing Education for Christian Ministry in the Religiously Plural Context” in Teaching Theology & Religion, 9:2 (April 2006).
“It’s Not Just One Thing! Reflections on Christian-Muslims Relations in Post-9/11 New York” in Interreligious Insight 3:4 (October 2005).